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About The Celtic Cross

The Celtic Cross provides a comprehensive reading of the querent's life and also provides predictions of the future.

Tarot Cards are made up of Major and Minor Arcana. The Major Arcana cards include Kings (representing men over 35), Queens (women over 21), Knights (men between 21-35), and Knaves (both males and females under 21).

The Minor Arcana cards include The Suit of Cups, The Suit of Wands, The Suit of Pentacles and The Suit of Swords.

There are 10 cards drawn in The Celtic Cross draw chosen at random. The positions of the cards mean:
  1. Present position of querent
  2. Immediate influences
  3. Recent influences
  4. Past influences
  5. Possible goal or destiny
  6. Future influences
  7. Negative feelings
  8. Family and friends
  9. Hopes and ideals
  10. Final outcome

All cards are interpreted and considered together.